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15 June 2023

Rob Opens Up About the Challenge of Social Mobility

Optix MD and CoachBright volunteer, Rob Stevens, shares his personal journey and discusses the challenges of social mobility.
Rob Opens Up About the Challenge of Social Mobility

In a heartfelt message, Rob Stevens, has taken the opportunity to share his personal journey as a homeless person.

As a volunteer for the social mobility charity CoachBright, Rob aims to inspire and support disadvantaged students, empowering them to overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams.


CoachBright’s Mission

CoachBright is a charitable organisation dedicated to helping students from underprivileged backgrounds develop the skills and resilience necessary to succeed.

By collaborating with schools across England, CoachBright provides coaching programmes that pair students with relatable role models.

These mentors play a crucial role in boosting the students' confidence, independence, and academic performance.

Rob, a passionate advocate for social mobility, has taken on the role of a mentor in the South West region, delivering keynote talks at universities, colleges, and schools.

During his talks, Rob fearlessly shares his own life experiences, recounting his challenging journey from poverty-stricken beginnings in Leeds, to homelessness and addiction in London.

However, Rob's story takes a remarkable turn as he shares how he managed to transform his life, eventually becoming the Managing Director and owner of Optix Solutions.

Rob's story serves as a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and the capacity for personal growth. His journey of transformation reminds these young individuals that their past does not define their future, and with the right mindset and unwavering commitment, they too can overcome any obstacles that come their way.


The Challenges of Diversity and Inclusion

Rob acknowledges that even within the marketing industry, which is often perceived as more inclusive, there are significant diversity challenges.

“We recognise in our own industry there’s a real challenge in diversity with regard to employees from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

“One of the problems is that companies often need to provide extra support, and therefore extra resources to those from a less stable background - and some businesses will shy away from this.

But change comes from the top and it is business owners who need to realise that discriminating against someone from a poor background is simply not okay.”

However, he adds, it cuts both ways. “Although a large part of the puzzle, it’s not just about change in business attitudes. When I give my talks, I aim to challenge young people to turn their own lives around.

I tell them that yes, life is unfair, discrimination is wrong, but the best way to change things is to get over the unfairness and positively plan for a future career.”


Stigma’s Still Exist

Rob recently attended CoachBright's annual celebration event in Camden Town and was taken aback after conversing with a delegate from Northern Ireland, who had grown up in similar deprived circumstances.

“She told me that she’d studied hard, went to university and now speaks three languages, but because of her background and strong Belfast accent, continues to face discrimination on a daily basis.

“There’s still a stigma about coming from a poor community which impacts on the chances for promotion and being paid a fair wage. We hear a lot about the gender pay gap, but not so much about the socio-economic pay gap.”

Rob also expresses his shock upon discovering that the statistics concerning poor young white males and education have not changed since his own upbringing in the 1980s.

“Back then, only around 16 percent of boys from a poor background were likely to go forward into further education. Staggeringly, despite promises and pledges from various governments, the statistic is the same today!”



Rob has shared his personal journey and given us a glimpse into the challenges of social mobility. His talks help to remind us that changing business attitudes and personal empowerment go hand in hand.

The enduring stigma faced by people from poor communities, as well as the limited educational opportunities for underprivileged youths make it clear: we need to take action.

Rob's story is an inspiration, and not only urges individuals to step up and create a more inclusive society, but businesses as well.

So, let's break these barriers, embrace diversity, and pave the way to a future where your background doesn't hold you back, and everyone gets a fair shot at life.

To find out more about CoachBright, and how they support pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds, visit

CoachBrite's Event in Camden

15 June 2023
Harry Martin
01392 667766
Optix Solutions
1st Floor, Alphin Brook House,
Alphin Brook Road,
Exeter EX2 8RG
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