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PLATFORM_ - Paid Search and Performance Max

Harnessing powerful AI and in-house technical expertise to deliver outstanding conversion rates

The story so far…

Platform_ is an ambitious property rental company with a portfolio of purpose-built, modern apartment blocks across the UK. Offering on-site gyms and a concierge service, these sites are the perfect location for young professionals looking for sleek and contemporary city living. Platform_ came to Optix because they needed to increase enquiries, first to their Cardiff site and then to their Sheffield one. Having delivered impressive results, Optix have now been asked to promote further sites, including Edinburgh and Glasgow

Why Optix?

PLATFORM_ first came across Optix Solutions at a Building Brands conference, where Founding Partner Alastair Banks was speaking. They liked what they saw, got in touch, and since then we’ve enjoyed a fruitful, ongoing working relationship with them that’s rooted in trust.

Our Approach

We started with Paid Search, using a niche keyword strategy that was split across two campaigns - firstly location-based keywords, and secondly, broader keywords solely using location targeting. We did this for the Cardiff page, and then applied the same method to the Sheffield page. These campaigns have been directly responsible for around 80% of conversions.

Once we had the conversion data we needed to inform the next moves, we implemented Performance Max on both pages. Performance Max is an AI-led media channel within Google that gives finely tuned audience insight based on the information it’s given - for example, it can identify and target audiences that are further down the conversion funnel. Performance Max then uses the first-party data it’s given as a springboard to go out and gain additional conversions. This has been exceptionally effective - we targeted people looking to rent in Cardiff/Sheffield, and conversions sky-rocketed by 47% - at 50% less cost than Paid Search. 

The Cardiff site is now fully booked, with Sheffield not being far behind it. Looking ahead, we will next turn our attention to some of their other locations, delivering the strategic approach they need to sell out more sites.

We were then asked to implement a Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign, managing Google Ads and optimising paid search and Performance Max activity (which includes all Google platforms including YouTube, Gmail and various apps). As part of this work, we’ve tested different messaging, optimised keyword bids, adjusted keywords, reviewed landing page performance and experimented with new audiences.

As with all our projects, we’ve kept a keen eye on the numbers, tracking results and providing monthly updates to demonstrate the impact our work has been having and identify areas for further growth.


Success on this project has come from our ability to combine the power of AI with technical insight from our in-house team of digital marketing specialists. As this proves, when market-leading experts use their depth of knowledge to optimise the latest developments in AI, game-changing results can follow swiftly. 


80% of conversions driven by our Paid Search campaign

47% increase in conversions from Performance Max at 50% of cost

Cardiff site sold out, with Sheffield performance on track to match performance

The client’s view…

“Optix takes time to continually undergo training on best practices, and new digital marketing tools, and this ensures that they are always able to advise on the best way to utilise these tools’’

- Lattifah Harris, Marketing Manager, PLATFORM_

The Optix view…

“This is an exciting example of what is possible when you leverage the power of AI correctly. It’s been extremely effective and we’re really happy with the results we’re seeing.”

- Sophie Hancox, Senior Digital Marketing Manager, Paid Lead, Optix Solutions

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Optix Solutions
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Alphin Brook Road,
Exeter EX2 8RG
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